Free EFT Tapping Resource for Day 15: EFT Tapping for an Unexpected Life Interruption: a Pandemic + Social Isolation Worksheet from Lorna Minewiser, Ph.D.

TEXT: EFT for Losing a Loved One
Photo of Lorna Minewiser, Ph.D.

Lorna says, “Porges’ Polyvagal theory describes how the nervous system responds to cues of threat or safety in the environment. Unexpected life interruptions such as has been happening these past few months have caused many of us to get stuck in sympathetic “fight or flight” or dorsal vagal “freeze or flop.” I have been feeling stuck in dorsal vagal, even about doing this talk and I use the Tapping process to help me move from stuck to connected.”

Lorna Minewiser, Ph.D., certified through EFT Universe and EFT International, says that almost 30 years ago she lost her 40-year-long fear of heights tapping with Jack Canfield. Since then, Lorna says that she has been studying, learning, practicing, teaching, researching, speaking and writing and sharing her love for EFT Tapping. She was also a coach in the Veteran Stress Project and one of the authors on the replication study. You can find out more about Lorna here: Or on Twitter and Instagram.

We hope her free EFT Tapping Resource provides some relief and healing.

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For Day 16th’s FREE Tapping Resource, click HERE on August 16th.